"We've Got Something to Talk About" - Panel Discussion/Monthly Luncheon Meeting
The AEP Committee of the Estate Planning Council of CNY presents "We've Got Something to Talk About", a frank and open discussion of the roles we play in clients' estate and financial planning process...and how we benefit from each other!
* Jennifer Alfieri, Esq., Trust Officer
* Richard Cote, Jr., CLU, ChFC
* Thomas Griffith, CAP, ChFC, AEP
* Raymond Grimaldi, CPA, PFS, CFP, AEP
* Susan Hansen, CLU, AIF, CFP, AEP
* John S. King, Esq.
* Paul Torrisi, Jr., CFP, CRPC
Co-Moderators & Time Keepers:
* Lee Gatta, CLU, ChFC, AEP
* Sandy Kalbach, Trust Officer
You will not want to miss this meeting! You can RSPV here or by mail, fax or email to Charlotte Crandall ( Charlotte G. Crandall, Council Exec., Estate Planning Council of CNY, 606 State Tower Bldg., Syracuse, NY 13202, fax 315-474-6775, cgcrandall@peoplepc.com). Guest reservations must be mailed with check.
Reservation deadline is 12:00 noon on
Monday, March 19, 2018.
See Meeting Notice below for complete details!