Upstate Foundation

Income Tax Planning for Small Business (RSVP by 1/9)

Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024
Time: 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Location: Hybrid
Speaker: Rachel Votto, CPA, AEP

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Marathon Advisors

CNY Estate Planning Monthly Meeting:  Income Tax Planning for Small Business


Rachel Votto will cover tax topics relevant to small business, including retirement plan options available to businesses and the taxation of business income when received by the owner.


January 11th at Noon, Hybrid at Central New York Community Foundation

Speaker:  Rachel Votto, CPA, AEP 

Rachel Votto is the Tax Partner-in-charge at BDG-CPAs. She has been with the firm for over 20 years and is partner-in-charge of all tax services. Rachel provides comprehensive financial planning to executives and high net worth individuals, including estate planning and working with income tax planning with trusts. She also serves many corporate and partnership clients including closely held businesses to multinational corporations with experience on acquisitions, reorganizations, international, multigenerational planning, multistate structures and complex tax planning strategies to assist clients in maximizing tax savings. She is a member and past president of the Estate Planning Council of Bergen County. She is currently a board member of Family Promise of Bergen County and the NAEPC. She has made various presentations on new tax legislation and other tax topics. Rachel graduated from Villanova University and also holds a Master’s Degree in taxation from Pace University.


One CE credit has been granted by The CFP Board.  You must attend the entire program in-person and complete the sign-in sheet to receive credit.



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Passcode: 107613




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