Central New York Community Foundation

Creditors, Predators and Modern Asset Protection Planning (RSVP by 8/8)

Date: Thursday, August 10, 2023
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Hybrid - CNY Community Foundation and Zoom
Speaker: Dolly Donnelly & Jeff Wolken

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CNY Estate Planning Monthly Meeting:   Creditors, Predators and Modern Asset Protection Planning


August 10th at Noon, Hybrid at Central New York Community Foundation



Dolly Donnelly, Director of Wealth Strategies - Wilmington Trust Emerald Fimily Office & Advisory

Jeff Wolken, National Director - Delaware Trust Planning


Topic:  "Asset protection planning" is now a common estate planning and asset management goal for our clients.  This program is designed to help you account for creditors and predators as part of the planning process.  In this program, you will hear about modern asset protection tools including liability insurance, joint ownership of assets, retirement accounts, life insurance, asset ownership via an entity (LLC/LP) and asset protection trusts.  In addition, the program will cover the pros and cons of the various tools, appropriate circumstances under which to deploy these tools, and how creditors may attack them to satisfy their claims.


Food: We will have catering from Boulangerie Cafe.



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Meeting ID: 962 1314 8428

Passcode: 107613


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