Upstate Foundation

EPC CNY Community Volunteer Day!

Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Stone Quarry Hill Art Park (Cazenovia)

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Please join the CNY Estate Planning Council on September 14th at 1 p.m. for a Community Volunteering day at Stone Quarry Hill Art Park in Cazenovia, followed by a meetup at Meier’s Creek Brewery down the road.

There will be a short orientation and training for Volunteers by Art Park staff.  Stone Quarry Hill Art Park is a private, not-for-profit contemporary outdoor art space founded in 1991. Inspired by the relationship between art and nature, the Art Park seeks to educate and engage the public through its exhibitions, collections, interpretation, and community outreach program in the arts. Set among 104 acres of conserved land and groomed trails, the Park is dedicated to providing a unique environment for showcasing art by emerging and established artists, in natural and gallery settings. For more info, please visit

The nature of the work may include planting trees, general trail maintenance, preparing/planting garden beds, and assistance cleaning up lumber/debris. For those who prefer to work inside, there are opportunities to help freshen up some of the interior spaces in order to prepare for the season. Please dress appropriately for the weather. Gloves and boots are recommended.

Join us at Meier’s Creek afterward, your first drink is on us!  

The event is open to current EPC members, guests, and others in the community who are interested in joining us.  There is no fee for participation.

If you are not a current EPC member and would like to join us, please email Jennifer Spagnola, our Council Executive, at with the names of anyone who will be participating.  EPC Members may respond to the RSVP request sent out with this email.

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