Upstate Foundation

One Hundred Percent of Marriages End: Elective Share and Community Property Planning for Modern Love and Migrating Couples

Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Hybrid - Zoom and CNY Community Foundation Ballroom
Speaker: Professor Terry L Turnipseed

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One Hundred Percent of Marriages End:   Elective Share and Community Property Planning for Modern Love and Migrating Couples

Wednesday, August 31st at noon

Hybrid:  CNY Community Foundation and Zoom

Professor Terry L. Turnipseed

New York State had the first elective share statute in the Country and still one of the strongest.  This presentation will discuss New York's statute, including planning for and around the elective share.  We will also discuss planning for the inevitability of client domicile changes (1) between elective share jurisdictions, and (2) between separate and community property jurisdictions.  Failure to plan can have grave consequences for clients. 


Author Bio

Professor Turnipseed is an experienced estate planning and tax advisor.  He works with high-net-worth clients to develop and implement sophisticated estate planning techniques including GRATs, CLATs, CRUTs, FLLCs, Conservation Easements, QPRTs, Dynasty Trusts, Domestic Asset Protection Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, ILITs, International Estate Planning, Asset Protection including Offshore Trusts, Business Succession Planning, and IDGTs.  Professor Turnipseed produces complex tax opinion letters and has prepared many Form 706 Estate Tax Returns, Form 709 Gift Tax Returns, and Form 1041 Trust/Estate Income Tax Returns.  Professor Turnipseed also represented numerous large trust beneficiaries and trustees with fiduciary issues.  He has expertise in complex domestic and international estate planning, including substantial asset protection experience.

Professor Turnipseed is a Professor of Law and a Professor of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University.  In addition, he has a solo practice representing high net worth individuals in New York and Washington, DC.  Professor Turnipseed is a Director at Frost Law in Washington, DC, and Of Counsel at Tarlow Breed Hart & Rogers in Boston, MA.

Professor Turnipseed has an LL.M. in Taxation, cum laude, and a J.D. from Georgetown University and two graduate degrees from MIT – Nuclear Engineering and Technology & Policy – where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow.  Professor Turnipseed received a bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering, summa cum laude, from Mississippi State University where he was a Harry S. Truman Memorial Scholar and was designated as a Distinguished Engineering Fellow.  He has been named a member of the Board of Advisors for the College of Engineering.

Professor Turnipseed has written in the areas of spousal property rights upon death, trust fiduciary law, and transfer taxation.  He teaches courses in estate planning, wills and trusts, estate and gift taxation, and first-year property.  Professor Turnipseed has made dozens of media appearances, including Newsweek, Special Report with Brit Hume on the Fox News Network, and the New York Daily News.

ONE HOUR OF CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION CREDIT IS AVAILABLE FOR ATTORNEYS WHO ATTEND IN PERSON.  This program is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.




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