Bousquet Holstein PLLC

2020-2021 New York State Budget & the State Medicaid Program

Date: Friday, March 19, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Zoom
Speaker: Aaron D. Frishman, Esq.

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The Estate Planning Council of Central New York

March 2021 Meeting Program


Speaker: Aaron D. Frishman, Esq., Partner at Bousquet Holstein PLLC


Topic:      “2020-2021 New York State budget and the State Medicaid Program"

With the passage of the 2020-2021 New York State budget in the midst of never before seen fiscal deficits, the State Medicaid Program was not immune to targeted cuts and modifications to certain programs and benefits with the hope of closing such deficts. This presentation will outline the significant changes that were imposed with the passage of the budget, how they may affect our clients and when certan measures are scheduled to be implemented. 


Place: Zoom Meeting

Date: Friday, March 19, 2021         12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


1 hour of Area of Professional Practice CLE credit provided by Mackenzie Hughes LLP (NYS CLE Sponsor )


Program Moderator: Mary Anne Cody Mackenzie Hughes LLP

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