Upstate Foundation

Syracuse Trivia Online - NextGen Event

Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: Online

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The NextGen Committee is hosting an online Trivia event through Syracuse Trivia.

All are welcome to attend, the event is free and is not limited to current members.  Please let other people at your organizations know about the event as well, the more the better.

Please see the attached flyer for RSVP information.  Please RSVP by September 30th.  If you have any questions, feel free to email Megan Shields at  

The following information is provided by Syracuse Trivia:

Information for players:

1- Form your team ahead of time.  Make sure you are able to communicate with all teammates in advance of the game.  Usually a zoom call or similar technology with the group-host sharing their screen.

2- Make sure everyone on your team can watch the live broadcast at  If you are using a zoom call, this would ideally be on the shared screen.  (NOTE:  This link will not work before the broadcast begins on October 1st at 6:50pm)  You may wish to use your own device to watch as there is a chat feature that you can use to communicate with us directly.  (NOTE:  Company computers and devices may have security software that blocks our broadcast.  Please use a personal device if this happens)

3- One person (the team scribe) will register your team on October 1st between 6:30pm- 7:00pm at  This person should either be using a computer with multiple windows open so that the broadcast screen and the answer form can be viewed simultaneously, or be using two devices; one to watch the broadcast and another to enter answers.  Do not register ahead of time, this will either not work or it will create problems.

*If someone on your team is experiencing issues the best way to communicate to us is through the chat feature on the broadcast.  We are happy to help make sure the game is functioning for you!


I look forward to seeing everybody online!

Bill Davies

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