"Current Developments in Estate Planning" - Joint luncheon meeting with FSP-CNY
Plan to join us for our joint luncheon and continuing education seminar with the CNY chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals
Our speaker, Samuel A. Donaldson, JD, LL.M., AEP(Distinguished), of Georgia State University College of Law will speak about Current Developments in Estate Planning. See Mr. Donaldson's bio attached below, along with his Federal Tax Update handout. Please plan to arrive by 11:45. The program will begin at noon.
See the attached meeting notice for specific details regarding continuing education credit and financial aid for this program.
RSVP Deadline is Monday, December 9, 2019.
RSVP here at the website, or by mail (Charlotte G. Crandall, Council Exec, Estate Planning Council of CNY, State Tower Bldg, 109 S. Warren St., Syracuse, NY 13202), fax (315-474-6775) or email (cgcrandall@peoplepc.com).
Alll guest reservations must be mailed with check.