Central New York Community Foundation

2017 Tax Reform Briefing & it's Effects on Individuals and Businesses - Monthly luncheon meeting

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018
Time: 11:45am - 1:00pm
Location: Crowned Plaza Hotel - LaFayette Room, 701 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, NY
Speaker: Dave G. Herring, CPA/CGMA, CVA, CFF, CDFA and Rick A. Tidd, CPA/ABV/CGMA, CVA, CFF, CITP, from Bowers & Company

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Join us for our first luncheon meeting of the 2018-2019 season!

RSVP deadline: 12:00 noon on Friday, September 21, 2018

The topic will be "2017 Tax Reform Briefing and its Effects on Individuals and Businesses" (a review of the implications and areas of opportunities for both individuals and businesses in light of the historic 2017 tax cuts)

One hour of continuing legal education in area of professional practice provided by Mackenzie Hughes LLP, a NYS CLE accredited provider.  This program is suitable for newly admitted attorneys (moderator Mary Anne Cody).

One hour of continuing professional education in taxation provided by Mackenzie Hughes LLP, A NYS CPE accredited provider, sponsor #002121.

See attached meeting notice for further details!

Please RSVP here or by mail, fax (315-474-6775) or email (cgcreandall@peoplepc.com) to Charlotte G. Crandall, Council Executive.

This event is free for EPC paid members.  Guests are $30.00.  Guest reservations must be mailed with check to:

Charlottte G. Crandall, Council Exec.

Estate Planning Council of CNY

State Tower Bldg., Ste. 1A

Syracuse, NY 13202

See Upcoming Event Calendar