Upstate Foundation

Supporting Your Community & Growing Your Practice Through Wealth Transfer - Breakfast Roundtable Session

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Time: 8:00am - 9:15am
Location: CNY Community Foundation, 431 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Speaker: Thomas M. Griffith

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Our April EPC Breakfast Roundtable Session for members only will be held on Tuesday, April 12th from 8:00 to 9:15 AM at the CNY Philanthropy Center Boardroom.

The topic is "Supporting Your Community & Growing Your Practice Through Wealth Transfer" and our facilitator is Thomas M. Griffith, Director of Gift Planning at the Central New York Community Foundation.

Research predicts a staggeringly large amount of your older clients' wealth will transfer int he next few years. This imminent movement of client assets is an opportunity to reflect on how these assets might be retained for broad community benefit. This presentation discusses some ideas to help augment your practice, make an impact on the community, and build strong client relationships.

Seating is limited to 20 participants.  Due to the popularity of these sessions, please reserve early to ensure a seat.

Reservations should be made with Sandra Kalbach either by phone at 315-425-8610 or by email at

Reservation deadline is Wednesday, April 6th.

See flyer attached below.

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