Crystal Clear Financial Group, LLC

EPC-CNY Annual Meeting - Multi-Disciplinary Interactive Discussion with Professional Moderator

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Time: 11:45am - 4:00pm
Location: Sky Armory in Armory Square, 351 S. Clinton St., 3rd Floor
Speaker: John A. Warnick, Multi-Disciplinary Professional Moderator

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The EPC Board of Trustees and Programs Committee members are excited to announce our Annual May Event.  The event is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th from 11:45 – 4:00 PM.  This event will be very different from our recent annual meetings:

  1. New Location: Armory Square @ Sky Armory,351 S. Clinton Street, 3rd Floor.
  2. New Format: Interactive Discussion with a Professional Moderator
  3. New Dining: Station oriented catering service
  4. New Feature: “The Big Pay Day” 35 minute Movie Showing ~ Popcorn included!

Our focus will be “multi-disciplinary teaming.”  John A. Warnick, a nationally recognized, multi-disciplinary facilitator, will be moderating a discussion among our peers (see bio attached below).  We look forward to all our members (and professional guests) joining us at this exciting event.  It will not be the same without YOU!

See the attached meeting flyer for the specific time schedule and

parking information for this great event!

Please click on the below “trailer” for the “The Big Pay Day” movie that will be at the center of our group discussions.

Also, please see the below link for the downtown location of this year’s event:

Luncheon and Presentation are free for EPC Members.  Guests may join us for the presentation for $30.

RSVP here or by sending the attached registration form to:

Charlotte G. Crandall, Council Exec., Estate Plannning Council of CNY, 606 State Tower Bldg., Syracuse, NY 13202.

Guest reservations must be mailed with check. 

Reservation deadline is Friday, April 22, 2016 - as required by Sky Armory


The nomination ballot for 2016-17 Officers & Directors is also attached below!

See Upcoming Event Calendar