Bousquet Holstein PLLC

"Elder Care Planning" - Joint Luncheon Meeting with FSP-CNY Chapter

Date: Friday, January 15, 2016
Time: 11:45am - 12:45pm
Location: The Crowne Plaza Hotel Conference Center - Lafayette Room
Speaker: Maria R. Motsavage, RN, LNHA & Anthony A. Marrone II, Esq.

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Our January Luncheon meeting will take place on Friday, December 11, 2015 and is a joint meeting with the CNY Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals.  Speakers Maria R. Motcavage, RN, LNHA, elder care coordinator at Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLC, and Anthony A. Marrone II, Esq., of the Marrone Law Firm P.C., will speak on the topic "Elder Care Planning".  Ms. Motcavage's portion will focus on elder care planning and Mr. Marrone's portion will address the topic "Over the River and Through the Woods, Protecting Grandmother's House We Go". See their attached bio's below.

This event is free for paid members, $30 for guests.  Please RSVP no later than noon on Monday, January 11th.


You can RSVP here on the website (see below) or by mail, fax (474-6775), or email (  The reservation form is attached below.

Guest reservations must be mailed with check.  Mailing address is: Charlotte G. Crandall, Council Exec., Estate Plannning Council of CNY, 606 State Tower Bldg., Syracuse, NY 13202.

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