"Social Security" - Monthly Luncheon Meeting
Speaker Theodore J. Sarenski, CPA/PFS, CFP, AEP, of Blue Ocean Strategic Capital, LLC, will speak on the topic "Social Security". (see his bio attached below)
This event is free for EPC Paid Members. All guests are $30.00. Everyone must make a reservation in advance. Any questions, please contact Charlotte Crandall at cgcrandall@peoplepc.com or 315-474-6775.
Reservation deadline is 12:00 noon on Monday, February 9, 2015.
Please note that payment by credit card is through PayPal. If paying by check, please print the attached reservation form and send to:
Charlotte G. Crandall, Coucil Executive
Estate Planning Council of CNY
606 State Tower Bldg.
Syracuse, NY 13202